Here you will find everything you need to know about our Kids’ events and activities. Bryn Sion Kids’ is a core part of our church life. We love being a family centred church and having the opportunity to play a small part in our Bryn Sion Kids’ lives. 

Parents Hub

Our Values

As a church our hope is to build a church family that is plugged in to Christ’s life, connected up in Christ’s love and shining out Christ’s light. For our Bryn Sion Kids our vision is to create a safe and fun community where we learn and grow in Jesus’ love as one big family. 

We are more than just clubs, we are a community!

Parent Resources

Here we will aim to share helpful resources for your children. Are you looking for a devotional to read with your family or some fun recipes to try out with your child? We’ll be sharing some resources here soon, and please check out the family fun videos below.

Our Daily Bread for Kids

If you’re looking for fun ways to help your children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, brothers and sisters (the list goes on) learn about Jesus and grow spiritually this book is a great place to start! This isn’t a book of preaches or demands but of engaging devotions, colourful illustrations and the life-changing wisdom of the Bible. These devotions are exciting and fun and written in language that children can understand and relate to and is a perfect companion for children 6-10 years old.

After School Family Fun

After school family fun is a fortnightly event, for parents/carers and children to come along and do an activity together. From making bread, to homemade pizzas and cheesecakes, it’s something that the whole family can enjoy. Our sessions run approximately once a fortnight on a Wednesday 3.30pm to 4.30pm in our Hub and are advertised on our Facebook page.

Booking is essential via a google form we release on Facebook the Monday before.  If you are not on Facebook but would like this link please contact us.  

Homemade Bread

Bread, flour, yeast and water - That's all you need to make a easy and tasty loaf of bread


Bryn Sion Baptist Church
Mill Street,
CF44 8LY

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